

The word chiropractic comes from Greek, meaning “treatment by hand.” Chiropractic is a highly skilled treatment by trained professionals. It focuses on the source of your pain and discomfort, not the symptoms. It allows the nervous system to work optimally. It is a hands-on treatment that works.


The bones in your back, called the vertebrae, work together in a very specific way. When everything is working well, your spine is strong, flexible and aligned. The stress of daily living, injuries, or accidents can cause the bones in the spine to shift out of alignment and may affect your range of motion. Even small changes in the alignment of your spine can cause pain and discomfort to the spinal joints, muscles, and nerves.

Chiropractors understand how to relieve this pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility – whether it resides in your back, arms, legs, neck or another joint in the body. They are experts trained to find the source of your joint and muscle discomfort, assess the complaint, and make the adjustments that allow your spine to work properly again. They may also recommend changes to posture, lifestyle, or diet, and suggest stretches and exercises in order to help you have optimal health, function and mobility, whether you are recovering from an injury or working to prevent injury.

Chiropractic joint manipulation, or adjustment, is a treatment in which the chiropractor uses their hands to apply a very quick, precise, and safe amount of pressure directly on the affected area of your spine or specific joint. This pressure momentarily separates the joints, allowing a gas bubble to escape -this may create a popping sound or cracking noise-. This relieves the pressure on the joint, surrounding nerves and muscles, and most importantly, restores normal mobility. The adjustment is not painful, and often provides immediate relief.

Chiropractic care is found at 2453 Main Street with our dream team; Dr. Zeinin, Dr. Amy, Dr. Sydney & Dr. Justin!