Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a healing method that focuses on personal empowerment by identifying and clearing energy blockages in the human energy field. These energy blockages are generally formed by trauma, emotional crises, physical 0r sexual abuse, surgery, fear and self-limiting beliefs.
An IET session can facilitate healing the pain of the past without having to re-live and experience the pain of the past. IET supports your self-healing journey and assists in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing and disease prevention.
Children respond well to this approach and are not expected to relive any traumas as they release. As the release is effortless, the child feels relaxed and calm following the session. Often children can become more focused which can reduce the impact of attention disorders.
Daily stresses are stored in our bodies, cause discomfort and dis-ease. Massage is a useful tool in releasing physical stress and increasing health and energy. Energetic support combined with intensive physical massage provides lasting benefits.
Fueled with the information you received from Integrated Energy Therapy, there can be a desire to process through this information, and how it impacts different areas of your life.

An integral part of the process when venturing on a healing journey is to be able to see how the events and traumas from the past have impacted the choices that you are making today. We all have traumas and dramas that seem to create patterns of behaviours in our life. They also run as an undercurrent in our lives. Often, the currents remain elusive and manipulate our day-to-day life without our awareness. Understanding these, and allowing release of these no longer useful patterns promotes healing and growth. Integrated Energy Therapy coupled with this coaching style creates an experience like no other, providing a renewed sense of purpose and calm feelings. When we are struggling with questions, demands and what feels like lack of logic in our thoughts, this transformational approach provides immediate support, altering perspectives and relieving the “weight of the world” that seems to rest on us.
To ensure you receive the most from our time together, and to be sure that we are working on exactly what would offer you the most support, every session starts with some talking and locating the issue that is ready to be released. This may take some time as we work together to get to the hook that is preventing you from the life you are wanting. Once we have connected with the deeper hook, integrated energy therapy is used to release it from your physical and emotional body. As you have chosen to identify and release it, ease is ensured, and there is little likelihood of it returning. You leave the treatment room feeling calm and relaxed, regardless of how uncomfortable the issue we addressed may have seemed to be in the past.
As humans, we all have struggles that impact our journey. No person is immune to the trauma and drama of living in our current environment. This transformational approach to releasing traumas old and new creates an internal environment that is primed for healing and growth. It quickly moves you through heavy issues and connects the dots between patterns of behavior that may have been invisible to you. This allows for multiple traumas to be release quickly and painlessly. Perspective is the most important skill we have, and this approach assists in changing perspectives on things and providing you with renewed energy to move past things that seemed difficult to release. The approach allows for gentleness, encourages self care, and love as healing tools for your mind and body.
All children arrive as beings of love and light. However, quickly the stresses and strains of living in our hurried and distracted world can create problems with anxiety, struggles with coping, and disconnection from remembering their true essence of love. The transformational approach of Integrated Energy Therapy offers a unique style of mindfulness, supported by releasing of patterns. This support allows your child to move in life with confidence and peace. It has the ability to support children with learning differences or attention struggles. It also sets the stage for self care early, when it can be established as a meaningful strategy for lifelong health.
Typically this valuable service is not covered by insurance carriers, unless you have a health care spending account that allows you to claim complimentary therapies. However, the benefit of this transformational approach far exceeds the cost per visit.
Integrated Energy Therapy with Veronica Tugwood takes place at 2453 Main Street.